Attention All Members
Our 97th AGM will be held in Shandon park Golf Club on Wednesday 29th March 2023 at 7:30 p.m. Please come and join us, catch up with folks you haven’t seen for a while and enjoy some craic! Relevant paper work, nomination forms, minutes of previous AGM, etc., can be downloaded below using the password which has been emailed to you.
AGM Invite
96th AGM Minutes
AGM Current Members of Council 2022-2023
AGM Nomination of Office Bearers 2023
AGM Secretary’s Annual Report 2022
AGM Proposed Articles of Association update 2023
Our current Articles of Association were last updated over 25 years ago and don’t meet the current standards required by the 2006 Companies Act, hence the need for an update.
The UAC is seeking members approval at the Annual General Meeting to adopt updated Articles of Association.
The key points about the new Articles are as follows:
- Management of the Club will be by a Board of Directors with each Director having equal voting rights.
- The general rule for decision making by the Board is that it must be by a majority decision at a meeting. The Chair has a casting vote if the vote is tied.
- The Board will consist of between five and ten persons who are club members and are elected at an Annual general Meeting.
- The Directors elected to the Board shall include a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
- There is no Vice-Chairman. If the chairman cannot attend a meeting the participating Directors must appoint one of themselves to chair the meeting.
- A President and up to six Vice-presidents can be appointed. They must be Club members and are NOT members of the Board of Directors.
- The proposed update of the Articles commit the Club to putting in place a new complaints procedure within six months.
AGM 2023 – End of Year Accounts for 2022