Members of the UAC presenting a cheque for £1000 to the Macmillan unit at Antrim Area Hospital, our chosen charity for 2024. The money was raised at a number of club events, not least the fantastic bingo night organised by Erin Stewart and her team. Sharon Carson, Honorary Secretary (extreme right) baked scones and biscuits to raise funds for this extremely worthwhile cause. The Club would like to thank everyone who has supported our Chosen Charity for 2024 and know that the Macmillan Unit will continue to provide compassion and help to all those in their care.

It was agreed at our AGM that for 2025, the year of our 100th Anniversary, we will be collecting for PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland Charity.
PIPS provides counselling and befriending support to individuals who are experiencing or have experienced suicidal thoughts or mental unwellness. PIPS Charity also provides support to families and friends who have been touched by suicide. Please use this link ( to learn more about PIPS charity.
More information to follow about our plans to celebrate our 100th Anniversary.