Watching a live motorsport event is a thrilling experience and one of the best ways for fans to get close to the action, experiencing the sport’s sights, sounds and smells first-hand.
We would ask that you :-
- Spectate safely.
- Follow marshal’s instructions.
- Obey the Prohibited Area signs.
If spectators or media stand in Prohibited Areas and refuse to move when asked the stage will not run.

Motorsport UK, event organisers and venues strive to keep spectators safe but ultimately all spectators are responsible for their own personal safety.
Here are some tips that spectators should remember at live events:
· Always keep your own safety in mind
· Park in a safe place
· Follow marshals’ instructions
· Observe and obey all event signs
· Stay within the official spectator areas
· Do not enter any prohibited areas
· Keep off the road or track
· Listen to official announcements
· Expect the unexpected.
On rallies in particular, remember:
· Cars may run wide on corners
· Cars may cut corners
· Cars may throw up stones
· Cars may overshoot junctions
· Cars may leave the road.
So, have fun but keep safe!