Its Not The Boxing Day Rally 2024 update

Massive congratulations to Robert and Zara Robinson who steered their Toyota Yaris to win the event by over one minute!!

They were swiftly followed by another Toyota, this time an MR2 piloted by Chris Hillis and his navigator Oran Baird.

Third place was filled by Aaron Kennedy and Ashley Boulton in their Mazda Mx5, one of many participating on the intricate and fun tests.

It would be remiss not to thank all those who sponsored, supported and entered the event. Also we have to express sincere thanks to all the volunteers, marshals, officials and everyone else who made sure that this time honoured, iconic event has been resurrected to its rightful place on our motorsport calendar.

Some of the winning teams after collecting their novelty prizes.

Many competitors commented they are already looking forward to the 2025 event which will be part of the Club’s 100th Celebrations.

Individual images of each crew have been added below, higher resolution versions can be supplied on request via the website.

UAC 2025 Membership

Our 2025 Membership form is now available on rallyscore

In order to join or renew your membership for 2025 you have to create an account with Rallyscore, please click on the link below to do so.

Once again we have maintained our subscription fee at the bargain price of £15, which will get you a shiny new Membership Card and an A3 size Club Calendar to display where ever you want!!

Membership subscriptions can only be paid by using Rallyscore.

If you have any difficulties joining or renewing your membership please contact, our membership secretary, via e-mail at [email protected]

Look forward to seeing you at our first event in .2025.

Join the Best Club in 2024 as confirmed by Motorsport UK earlier this week.

UAC Charity Donation 2024 to Macmillan Cancer Support

Members of the UAC presenting a cheque for £1000 to the Macmillan unit at Antrim Area Hospital, our chosen charity for 2024. The money was raised at a number of club events, not least the fantastic bingo night organised by Erin Stewart and her team. Sharon Carson, Honorary Secretary (extreme right) baked scones and biscuits to raise funds for this extremely worthwhile cause. The Club would like to thank everyone who has supported our Chosen Charity for 2024 and know that the Macmillan Unit will continue to provide compassion and help to all those in their care.

It was agreed at our AGM that for 2025, the year of our 100th Anniversary, we will be collecting for PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland Charity.

PIPS provides counselling and befriending support to individuals who are experiencing or have experienced suicidal thoughts or mental unwellness. PIPS Charity also provides support to families and friends who have been touched by suicide. Please use this link ( to learn more about PIPS charity.

More information to follow about our plans to celebrate our 100th Anniversary.

Craigantlet Hill Climb 2024

2024 ANICC Motorsport Supplies Hill Climb Championship entries open at 8:00 pm tonight via rallyscore, get in get going!!

2024 Regulations now available

Entries only for Round 1 of the British Hill Climb Championship will open at 8:00 p.m. tonight (05.04.24)

We are delighted to announce that regulations are now available for the 2024 Hytera Patterson Electronics LTD UAC Craigantlet Hill Climb. The event celebrates it’s 111th running this year and we are very grateful to have the continued support of Hytera and Patterson Electronics. The ‘Hill’ is now the first round of the British Hill Climb Championship as unfortunately Prescott has had to be postponed due to the particularly bad winter. Entries for this event go live at 8.00 p.m. tonight. Please note entries can only be made via rallyscore.

Craigantlet is the second round of the Motorsport Supplies ANICC Hill Climb Championship, entries for this round also via rallyscore will be opening shortly.

The UAC are working diligently behind the scenes to make sure that the 2024 Hytera – Patterson Electronics UAC Craigantlet Hillclimb, once again, will be the ‘go to’ event for ANICC and BHC competitors. Entries will be opening soon, so please keep visiting this website (we need the footfall!!) to get an entry and find out the details of this fantastic event!

Circuit of Ireland Rally 2024 – Spectator Safety

Circuit of Ireland Rally 2024 – Spectator Safety

Watching a live motorsport event is a thrilling experience and one of the best ways for fans to get close to the action, experiencing the sport’s sights, sounds and smells first-hand.

Motorsport UK, event organisers and venues strive to keep spectators safe but ultimately all spectators are responsible for their own personal safety.

Here are some tips that spectators should remember at live events:

·         Always keep your own safety in mind

·         Park in a safe place

·         Follow marshals’ instructions

·         Observe and obey all event signs

·         Stay within the official spectator areas

·         Do not enter any prohibited areas

·         Keep off the road or track

·         Listen to official announcements

·         Expect the unexpected.

On rallies in particular, remember:

·         Cars may run wide on corners

·         Cars may cut corners

·         Cars may throw up stones

·         Cars may overshoot junctions

·         Cars may leave the road.

So, have fun but keep safe!

Austin Frazer

The Ulster Automobile Club wish to extend their sincere sympathy to Doreen, Neil and Austin’s wider family circle on his recent passing.

Austin won the Circuit if Ireland Rally in 1974 sitting beside Cathal Curley in a Porsche Carrera RS 2.7.

He also appeared regularly on the Circuit of Ireland podium during the 1970’s and 80’s alongside Bertie Fisher.

A family man, fierce competitor and true gentleman, he will be missed by his family, friends and all those in the Motorsport Community who knew him, may he rest in peace.

2024 Circuit Ireland Rally

The Ulster Automobile Club are delighted to announce the ‘Circuit’ will be held in the Dungannon area on 30th March 2024 with scrutineering on the 29th.  The Event will consist of 4 stages run twice.

Please keep an eye on this website and the Club’s social media for regular updates and the publication of the Regulations.

UAC Future Champion William Creighton shortlisted as WRC’s 2023 Most Improved Driver !

UAC Future Champion William Creighton shortlisted as WRC’s 2023 Most Improved Driver !

The Club are delighted to announce that William has been shortlisted as WRC’s 2023 Most Improved Driver!
To be nominated for this Award is very exciting and it highlights the fantastic season that Liam and William have had, with the support of the Motorsport Ireland Rally Academy, M-Sport Poland and all his Team, which ended up with William and Liam being Crowned Junior World Rally Champions.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would use the link below to vote for William. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on his name.  Please feel free to share with your contacts.

Vote for WRC’s 2023 Most Improved Driver!<>

Thank you!